About ServoCAT

BRC Astro, LLC acquired the ServoCAT product from RXDesign in 2023

BRC Astro’s current offerings reflect our desire to maintain a high degree of technology consistent with value: providing the most “bang for the buck”. The end goal, as always, is to increase our customers’ enjoyment while using our products on their equipment.

We are located in the Chiefland Astronomy Village, Chiefland, FL.

Chiefland Astronomy Village Club Site

Visit the ServoCAT group online at Groups.IO

Considering a Platform?

Platforms have been around for a long time. They do offer tracking. With this tracking comes the ability to do astrophotography without the need for field rotation. Dobsonians can do photography but would require a field derotator. Although it is our plan to introduce field rotation support, it will not be done until an actual mechanical field rotator comes available.

In order to help you in your buying decision we have the following information. We have listed items of comparison and how each solution, a platform and the ServoCAT handle the issue. Be aware this information is either actual detail (specifications) or comments from platform and previous platform owners.

Are you looking for a means of doing photography? Is your dobsonian scope smaller than 12”? If the answer to either of these questions is yes than a single axis platform is more than likely the best solution for your tracking needs.

If on the other hand you are not interested in long term photography and your scope is 12” or larger especially if your scope is 16” or more than the Servo Powered ServoCAT may well be the better featured AND most cost effective means of obtaining tracking AND GOTO.

One additional assumption is made in this comparison: That you either have or will soon or in the future be adding Digital Setting circles to your telescope for use with the telescope. If you will NEVER add a DSC – the platform or for that matter the DOBDriver are excellent choices!

Comparison of a Platform to the ServoCAT

Physical Differences:


This is the EXTRA weight you have to carry from your house to your vehicle, your vehicle to the site, and back again.ServoCAT: adds a total of around 5 lbs. This added weight is ATTACHED to your scope so as you move it – the CAT goes with it. Platform: The smallest platform appears to be around 25 lbs (scopes up to around 16”) and as much or more than 50 lbs for larger scopes.


This is not JUST the added height alone. Although this will be a factor for some – i.e. force you INTO a ladder or step stool when you did not need one previously. Rather there is the other often more compellingissue of HOW DO YOU GET THE SCOPE UP THERE!? Some use ramps – more “stuff” to carry – more weight – more space in your vehicle – more space in your house (whats the spouse think of that?). Oh… the ServoCAT adds NO additional height.


One common complaint is the issue of balance – having to put weights here there and – where? Not trivial – it is high on the list of problems mentioned in previous and current platform owners. (i.e. a REAL problem in their minds!). The ServoCAT reduces balance problems! Yes – REDUCES them! Want to change from that 4.7mm eyepiece to a 35 Pan!? No problem! No weights to add – no balancing to worry about!


Yeah – space – in your home (storage) and in your vehicle (transport). Platforms are not small. Take this into consideration when thinking about a purchase. The ServoCAT adds 2.25” to one side of the Alt of the scope for the ALT gearbox.

Satisfied Customers

A few of our customers have sent us pictures of their installations using the ServoCAT. This includes both standalone Sky Commander systems and BB Bartels software systems. We will add to this as more pictures are submitted. Thanks to these customers for their kind permission to post these.

Gary Jones 16″ DOC Telescope with ServoCAT installed.

This is an Obsession 20 with the ServoCAT system installed. Providing speeds of up to 6 deg/sec (and more if you dare!) yet silky smoooooth and totally silent tracking!

The CATtail with Argo Navis DSC and Handpad.

17.5″ Telekit (shown w/ customer installed motor cover and “table”.

15″ Discovery with ServoCAT Jr. installed. Slews at 8 deg/sec!

18″ Telekit

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